
We know that the healthy, physically active student is more likely to be academically motivated, balanced, alert, and successful. Sports at Inventure Academy follows best practises from around the world, using the latest pedagogy and coaching tools to empower learners to create a habit of lifelong health and fitness and provide an opportunity to learn to excel at sport at all levels. It teaches children to respect their bodies, make decisions, be positive and work with others. 

 The program for the different age / grade levels is as follows:

A daily dose of sports is compulsory for all our students till Grade 4. Grades 5 & 6 have four periods per week and Grades 7 to 12 have 3 sports periods per week. Children must put back their own equipment, inculcating responsibility and discipline. Being ‘prepared for life’ is part of our vision; and our comprehensive and outstanding sports program, taught by a highly qualified Sports Department, incorporates global best practices.

Sports Curriculum


The program focuses on building locomotive and manipulative skills, introducing young learners to sports and fitness and the fundamental skills of team and individual sports.

Grades 1 to 4

At this Grade level, the program is about building foundational skills for multiple sports.
Learners will receive training in 6 sports – Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Table Tennis & Tennis by rotation in their assigned groups. Swimming is done separately as an independent class in the time table.
We also implement functional movement literacy through Parkour moves with Calisthenics Rig Extension for parkour moves and slackline pillars near the Sports Gazebo.
An adventure course runs through the school. It is designed to challenge the child’s physical fitness, coordination, and individual and team spirit.

Grades 5 to 12 (PE & Sports)

The focus in these years is specialization in at least 2 sports and also implementation of animal movement literacy and Parkour moves. Learners choose 2 Sports:  Choice 1 & Choice 2.
Sports choices: Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Swimming, Table-Tennis, Tennis and an introduction to Ultimate Frisbee for grades 9 to 12.

After School Sports Program

The After School Program coaches students from Grades 3-12 in Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Swimming, Tennis and Table Tennis with an emphasis on specialization in these sports at no extra charge.
Our coaches are well qualified (NASM, IYCA, AIFF, AFC, Premier Skills, Auswim, ITF & USPTR, etc.) to deliver this program at the highest level.

Buses will ply to selected points in the city after regular school hours to accommodate the learners who have stayed back for after school sports. School teams will stay back compulsorily twice a week.

Sports Facilities

We have excellent and numerous sports facilities, equipment, fields and spaces on our campuses.

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