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As one of the best international schools in India, at Inventure Academy we believe in supporting achievement from all quarters, and being fully inclusive. We grant merit-based scholarships every year to students who have excelled in a measurable way in academic and co-curricular spheres and who cannot meet the entire expense of education at Inventure Academy.

The following conditions must be fulfilled by a candidate to be eligible for Scholarships at Inventure:
  1. Scholarships are granted on the presumption that the recipient will graduate Grade 12 from Inventure Academy to get the complete benefit of Inventure education. The scholarship is a demonstration of our commitment, faith and investment in the recipient’s future.
  2. The Carpe Diem Scholarship is open to students in Grades 7 & above, who have completed a minimum of TWO academic years at Inventure.
  3. All recipients are expected to participate actively in co-curricular activities and all other aspects of school life.
  4. Student on the Carpe Diem Scholarship for Excellence in Academics must continue to consistently demonstrate outstanding results and maintain a minimum aggregate of 75% in academics.
  5. Students on the Carpe Diem Scholarship for Excellence in Sports must continue to represent the school and maintain their position at the district/state or national level, as applicable, maintain a minimum aggregate of 75% in academics.
  6. Students on the Carpe Diem Scholarship for Excellence in Beyond Academic Activities must continue to actively participate and continue to make outstanding contributions to their chosen activity, maintain a minimum aggregate of 75% in academics
  7. All recipients, like all Inventure students, are required to follow the school Code of Conduct and all rules and policies and exhibit exemplary behavior and citizenship at all times. They must meet our criteria for financial aid without misrepresentation of facts. Any action that is contrary to Inventure’s Core Purpose and Values can lead to forfeiture of the scholarship.


At the discretion of the Board of Trustees, scholarships may be granted for an academic year or semester, as the case may be (Scholarship Term) and will terminate at the end of the grant period. There is no automatic renewal of the Scholarship Term. To continue as a scholarship recipient after the Scholarship Term has ended, a fresh application must be submitted with all necessary documentation. The submission of the fresh application does not guarantee grant of a scholarship for a subsequent semester or year

Permission To Reference Scholarship

All scholarship recipients are permitted to reference their scholarship in college applications, resumes and any other communication that showcase their achievements positively.


As scholarships are granted on the basis of financial need and demonstrated excellence, recipients must maintain the expected standards of eligibility for the Carpe Diem Scholarship outlined above with diligence and consistency, failing which the scholarship may be revoked or forfeited.

If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please write to us at [email protected] for the application form.

Please Note: The Financial Aid program cannot meet the full, declared financial need to a family, but will make an offer on its best judgment within the School’s available resources. The decision of the Inventure Board of Trustees will be final.

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